Idee de business
Tackled SDGs
EN Vehicool is the mobile app that brings you the car wash at your doorsteps, at your office or wherever you want. We offer UNLIMITED subscriptions with prices starting from 159 lei per month, for which our agents will wash your car right where it’s parked, whenever you need, using only 5 liters of biodegradable solutions, and far most importantly, ZERO LOST TIME FOR YOU. In only 2 months after launching the subscription programme, we have gained 82 subscribers and in our first 11 months of activity we have washed over 1.500 cars and saved over 330.000 liters of water and 2.200 hours for our customers.
RO Vehicool este aplicatia care-ti aduce spalatoria auto la tine acasa, la birou sau oriunde doresti. Punem la dispoziție abonamente NELIMITATE cu preturi incepand de la 159 de lei / luna pentru care agentii nostri iti vor spala masina chiar acolo unde este parcata, ori de cate ori ai nevoie, folosind doar 5 litri de solutii biodegradabile, si cel mai important, ZERO TIMP PIERDUT PENTRU TINE. In cele 2 luni de la introducerea abonamentelor, avem 82 de abonați și in primele noastre 11 luni de activitate, am spalat peste 1500 de masini, salvand peste 330k de litri de apa si 2200 de ore pentru clientii nostri.